Calling All Spiritually Conscious Folks who Need Marketing!*
*Hint: you probably all do, at least in some form! Hi, I’m Jennifer B. Jacobs, and I do marketing for spiritually conscious people. "So...

Using Postcards to Attract Clients in the New Year
The new year is the season for POSTCARDS! People are so inundated with digital advertising, and sometimes a good, old-fashioned print...

How to Use Marketing to Attract & Keep Clients that Just Plain Make You Feel Good
Let's face it: I'm a feelings person. I like to talk and write and sing about my feelings. I like to analyze my feelings. I like to talk...

If You're Not Marketing, You're Stagnating
You've seen those Crest ads that threaten ominously, "If you're not whitening, you're yellowing." DUN-DUN-DUN. One of the best marketing...

FACE It: Why Your Business Needs a Super-Charged Social Media Presence
When you wanted to find out about a business in the 80s and early 90s, you looked them up in the phone book. By the mid-90s when the...

No Facepalms Here: How to Survive - and Thrive Through - a Slow Season
Well-meaning people in your life will tell you that the first year in business gets you no profit and that slow seasons are inevitable....

Why Doing it Yourself - or Hiring on the Cheap - Doesn't Save You Money
You wouldn’t fix your own roof if you’re not a roofer. Why would you do your own marketing if you’re not a marketing expert? It is common...